Visiting professors and visiting lecturers

Daunis Auers

Visiting Professor
Comparative Politics

Daunis Auers was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley (2005-2006) and will be a BAFF Scholar at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan in 2014, where he will finish writing his book onThe Comparative Government and Politics of the Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the 21st Century, to be published by Palgrave-Macmillan in late 2014. He is Associate Professor of Comparative Politics and Director of the Bachelor’s degree program at the Department of Political Science, University of Latvia where he teaches Comparative Politics, European Union Politics and Policy, and The Comparative Politics of the USA and Europe.


The recent major publications (2007-2013) include:

Single Authored Books

  • The Politics and Government of the Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the 21st Century. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. (Manuscript to be submitted on 1 June 2014)

Edited Books

  • Latvia and the USA: From Captive Nation to Strategic Partner.University of Latvia Press: Riga, Latvia. 2008.

Articles in Refereed Journals

  • “‘We lay claim to him!’ Isaiah Berlin, Mark Rothko, Sergei Eisenstein and the europeanization of Latvian national identity.” National Identities, 15(2), June 2013, 125-138.
  • “The curious case of the Latvian greens”. Environmental Politics, 21(3), May 2012, 522-527.
  • “Green, black, and brown: Uncovering Latvia’s environmental politics”. Journal of Baltic Studies. Special issue ‘From Phosphate Springs to Nordstream’, 40(3), 333-349, September 2009. With David Galbreath.
  • “Explaining the electoral failure of extreme-right parties in Estonia and Latvia”.Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 17(2), 241-254, August 2009. With Andres Kasekamp.
  • “Flipping burgers or flipping pages? Student employment and academic attainment in post-soviet Latvia”. Communist and Post-Communist Studies. 40(4), 2007. pp. 477-491. With Toms Rostoks and Ken Smith.

Chapters in Edited Volumes

  • “The impact of the radical right in the Baltic States”. In Transforming the Transformation? The Radical Right in the Political Process in East Central Europe. London: Routledge. (With Andres Kasekamp) (Forthcoming in 2014)
  • “Seven democrats and a dictator: the formal and informal powers of Latvia’s presidents”. In Vit Housek (ed.) Presidents over Parties. Brno: Masaryk University Press. (Forthcoming in 2013).
  • “Comparing radical right populism in Estonia and Latvia”. In R.Wodak et. al (eds),Right Wing Populism Across/Beyond Europe. London: Bloomsbury Academic Press. (With Andres Kasekamp) 2013.
  • “Latvia”. In Sten Berglund et al (eds), The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe. 3rd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 2013.
  • “The economy in Latvia”.Central and South-Eastern Europe 2014.2013. London: Routledge. (Essay updated annually since 2007).
  • “An electoral tactic? Citizens’ initiatives in post-soviet Latvia”. In Maija Setala and Theo Schiller (eds), Citizens’ Initiatives in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 53-68. 2012.
  • “Political development” In Marju Lauristin (ed.), Estonian Human Development Report 2010/2011: Baltic Way(s) of Human Development: Twenty Years On.Tallinn: Eesti Koostoo Kogu. 144-163. 2011. With Vello Pettai and Aine Ramonaite.
  • “The 2009 European Parliament election campaign in Latvia: Europeanizing domestic ethnic discourse”. In Robert Harmsen and Joachim Schild (eds),National European Debates and the 2009 European Parliament Elections. Berlin: Nomos. 201-216. 2011.
  • “The Baltic Sea Strategy and the future of Europe”. In Zaneta Ozolina et al (ed’s),EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: A Year After and Beyond. Riga, Latvia:Zinatne. 2010. 248-264.
  • “The 2009 European Parliament elections in Latvia”. In Juliet Lodge (ed), The 2009 European Parliament Elections. London: Palgrave MacMillan. 169-177. 2010.
  • “Referendums and initiatives in the Baltic States”. In Simon Hug and Karin Gilland Lutz (eds), Financing Referendum Campaigns. London: Palgrave MacMillan. 2009. 81-106. With Algis Krupavicius and Juri Ruus.
  • “Accountability in international organizations: Latvia and the European Union.” In Juris Rozenvalds (ed.) The 2009/2010 Human Development Report in Latvia: Power. Governance. Society. Riga, Latvia: University of Latvia Press. 2009. 119-130.
  • “Salmon, rissoles, and smoked eel: The Latvian Legation in the Cold War.” In: Daunis Auers (ed.), Latvia and the USA: From Captive Nation to Strategic Partner.Riga, Latvia: University of Latvia Press. 2008. 51-60
  • “Eiropas Parlaments un Eiropas Kopējā un Ārējā Drošības Politika: Aktieri un ietekmes veidi”. (“The European Parliament in the European Common Foreign and Security Policy: Opportunities and constraints”). Eiropas Parlaments: Ārējās un Drošības Politikas Īstenotājs. (The role of the European Parliament in implementing the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy) Zinātne: Riga, Latvia. 2008. 15-40. (With Kārlis Bukovskis)
  • “The globalization of higher education institutions in Latvia.”. Latvia 2020. Riga, Latvia: University of Latvia Press. 2008. 69-82.
  • “The democratic role of political parties”. How Democratic is Latvia? An audit of democracy: Monitoring democracy 2005-2007. Riga, Latvia: University of Latvia: 2007. 45-49. (With Janis Ikstens) (Also published in Latvian).
  • “Friend or foe? Latvia and the European Common Agricultural Policy”. Latvian Perspectives on the European Union.Presidential Strategic Analysis Commission: Riga, Latvia. 2007. 133-151. (Also published in Latvian).

Reports and Working Papers