

RGSL Working Papers

About the series

This series of papers aims to document studies undertaken by the RGSL academic staff, students and guest speakers (2001-2007).

No. 30
Anita Usacka

Starptautiskās Krimināltiesas komplementaritātes režīms

No. 28
Christen Boye Jacobsen

An introduction to modern EU company law

No. 27
Arturs Spigulis

Freedom of establishment – Means of overcoming restrictions on free movement of employees

No. 26
Julija Petkevica

The concept of "beneficial owner" – From international tax law to community law

No. 25
Tatjana Evas

Ethnic origin and language – Applying international and EU equality standards on the Estonian labour market

No. 24
Andra Tallija

Trafficking in women: Bringing law and practice in Latvia into compliance with international standards

No. 23
Meghan Jakobsen

Immunity versus impunity? Reconciling Articles 27(2) and 98(1) of the Rome Statute

No. 22
Kristine Kruma

EU citizenship: unresolved issues

No. 21
Norbert Reich

Transformation of Contract law and civil justice in new EU member countries: The example of the Baltic States, Hungary and Poland

No. 20
Christopher Goddard

English as an international language of legal communication: inter-cultural aspects

No. 19
Katrin Vels

Trade restrictions on animal welfare grounds in the European Union

No. 18
Norbert Reich

The European Constitution and new member countries: The constitutional relevance of free movement and citizenship

No. 17
Sandija Novicka

Use of the European Convention of Human Rights argumentation in arbitration proceedings: When, how?

No. 16
Jutta Limbach

Social rights in the draft Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe

No. 15
Katrin Nyman-Metcalf

Borders of the new Europe

No. 14
Ninon Colneric

Protection of fundamental rights through the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

No. 12
Anda Bimbere

International terrorism: Problems and solutions with regard to prosecution of suspected terrorists

No. 11
Francis Svilans

Ratification of mixed agreements – the quest for a coordinated procedure

No. 10
David M. Trubek

The European employment strategy and the future of EU governance: An opportunity for the Baltics and a challenge for lawyers.

No. 9
Michael Hellner

The limits to judicial cooperation in civil matters: taking legality seriously.

No. 8
Norbert Reich
Linda Freimane

Preparing for the European future of law studies in the Baltic countries. (No. 8a Updated version, due June 2003)

No. 8
Norbert Reich
Linda Freimane

Preparing for the European future of law studies in the Baltic countries.

No. 7
Christen Boye Jacobsen

Implementing the acquis communautaire – the fight over 80.000 pages.

No. 6
Michael Hellner

The country of origin principle in the E-commerce Directive: A conflict with conflict of laws?

No. 5
Perit Bokka

Flexible integration in the European Union: Effects on enlargement.

No. 4
Anders Fogelklou

East European legal thinking.

No. 3
Norbert Reich

Union citizenship – yesterday, today and tomorrow!

No. 2
Jan Ramberg

Methodology of the unification of commercial law in the 2000's.

No. 1
Luzius Wildhaber

Protection against discrimination under the European Convention on Human Rights – a second class guarantee?