Viesprofesori un vieslektori

Juris Burlakovs PhD

Apkārtējās vides zinātne

Dr.geog. Latvijas Universitāte, 2015
Mg.env . Latvijas Universitāte, 2009
Mg.geol. Latvijas Universitāte, 2002

Nozīmīgākā profesionālā pieredze

  • Kopš 2011. gada SIA Geo IT SIA valdes loceklis
  • 2015-2019 Linneja Universitāte, Veselības un dzīvības zinātņu fakultāte, pētnieks
  • 2013-2015 Latvijas Universitāte, pētnieks
  • 2011-2012 EVRY ASA (Ergogroup Company) Norvēģija

Aktuālais pētniecības darbs

  • Piesārņojuma rekultivācija un ilgtspējīga aprites ekonomika

Galvenās publikācijas

  • Burlakovs. J., Kriipsalu, M., Porshnov, D., Jani, Y., Ozols, V., Pehme, K-M., Rudovica, V., Grinfelde, I., Pilecka, J., Vincevica-Gaile, Z., Turkadze, T., Hoglan, W., Klavins, M. (2019) Gateway of Landfilled Plastic Waste towards Circular Economy in Europe // Separations 2019, 6(2), 25;, Scopus, WoSc
  • Ozola, R., Krauklis, A., Leitietis, M., Burlakovs, J., Vircava, I., Ansone-Bertina, L., Bhatnagar, A., Klavins, M. (2019) FeOOH-modified sorbents for arsenic removal from aqueous solutions // Environmental Technology and Innovation, 13, 364-372.
  • Burlakovs, J., Ferrans, L., Krumins, J., Jani, Y., Hogland, W., Klavins, M. (2019) Fluorescence spectroscopy – applied tool for organic matter analysis // Goldschmidt 2019 conference
  • Burlakovs, J., Jani, Y., Kriipsalu, M., Vincevica-Gaile, Z., Kaczala, F., Celma, G., Ozola, R., Rozina, L., Rudovica, V., Hogland, M., Viksna, A., Pehme, K.M., Hogland, W., Klavins, M. (2018) On the way to `Zero Waste` management: Recovery potential of elements, including rare earth elements, from fine fraction of waste // Journal of Cleaner Production, 186, 81-90 (SCOPUS, ISI Web of Science)
  • Hogland, M., Arina, D., Kriipsalu, M., Jani, Y., Kaczala, F., Salomão, A.L., Orupõld, K., Pehme, K.M., Rudovica, V., Denafas, G., Burlakovs, J., Vincevica-Gaile, Z., Hogland, W. (2018) Remarks on four novel landfill mining case studies in Estonia and Sweden // Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 20, 2, 1355-1363 (SCOPUS, ISI Web of Science)
  • Burlakovs, J., Kriipsalu, M., Klavins, M., Bhatnagar, A., Vincevica-Gaile, Z., Stenis, J., Jani, Y., Mykhaylenko, V., Denafas, G., Turkadze, T., Hogland, M., Rudovica, V., Kaczala, F., Møller Rosendal, R., Hogland, W. (2016) Paradigms on landfill mining: from dump site scavenging to ecosystem services revitalization // Resources, Conservation & Recycling, (SCOPUS, ISI Web of Science)


  • The Clay Minerals Society (USA), Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland (UK), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, European Geoscientists Union, European Geochemistry Association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Latvia (LV), Russian Geographical Society (RU)

Redaktora darbs

  • Elsevier, Springer, MDPI, Taylor & Francis


  • 2019 Best Paper Award of Excellence WASET International Engineering Conference, USA, New York City, April 14-15, 2019
  • 2019 Best Excellent Paper Award IAARHIES International Conference in Environmental Economics, USA, New York City, April 22-23, 2019
  • 2018 Best Excellent Workshop Award International Scientific GeoConference (Albena, Bulgaria)
  • 2016 Best Volunteering Researcher in Geo-archaeological research at Railway Infrastructure Building in Tuva Republic, Russian Federation (Russian Geographical Society and Government of RF, St.Petersburg)