Viesprofesori un vieslektori

Timo Koivurova PhD

Starptautiskās publiskās tiesības

Doctor of law (University of Lapland 2002)

Nozīmīgākā profesionālā pieredze 

  • Currently: Research professor, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
  • Currently: adjunct professor of international law at the universities of Eastern Finland and Turku
  • Currently: editor-in-chief (together with others) of the Yearbook of Polar Law (Brill) and the Yearbook of International Environmental Law (Oxford University Press)
  • Previously: Director of the Arctic Centre
  • Previously: Director of the Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law

Aktuālais pētniecības darbs 

  • Governance of the marine areas of the Central Arctic Ocean
  • Flaring in the Russian Arctic: current legislation and future options ahead

Galvenās publikācijas 

  • Koivurova, T. (2014). Introduction to International Environmental Law. Routledge.
  • Koivurova, T., Kirchner, S., & Kleemola-Juntunen, P. (2020). The Arctic Ocean: Are we ready to govern a new ocean? In M. C. Ribeiro, F. Loureiro Bastos, & T. Henriksen (Eds.), Global Challenges and the Law of the Sea (pp. 59-80). Springer.
  • Koivurova, T., Ringbom, H., Kleemola-Juntunen, P., & Kirchner, S. (2019). The Baltic Sea and the Law of the Sea: Finnish Perspectives. Lit verlag. Schriften zum See- und Hafenrecht No. 21.
  • Koivurova, T., & Rosas, A. (2018). The CBSS as a vehicle for institutionalised governance in the Baltic Sea Area, in comparison with its two sister organisations in the north. Marine Policy, 98, 211-219.