Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) is offering an opportunity to take the ILEC (International Legal English Certificate) Preparation Course at the RGSL.
International Legal English Certificate is an internationally recognised high-level language qualification for lawyers. You can learn more about ILEC test and certificate from the Baltic Council of International Education .
ILEC Preparation course offered by the RGSL includes 12 hours of lectures / seminars and an official Pre-Test organised in co-operation with the Baltic Council for International Education (former British Council). In the result of this course its participants get prepared for passing the real ILEC test.
ILEC Test is organised by the Baltic Council for International Education.
The price of the ILEC course at the RGSL is 110 LVL.
The price of ILEC Test (paid to the Baltic Council for International Education) is around 150 LVL (the precise price will be announced later since it depends on the number of participants).
It is possible to take the course and the Pre-test only and later decide whether you are willing to take the Test.
ILEC Preparation course is taught by RGSL lecturer Christopher Goddard.
The schedule of the ILEC Preparation Course is as follows:
- Thursday, 16 February, 9:00-13:00 (W41)
- Friday, 17 February, 10:00-14:00 (W41)
- Saturday, 18 February, 10:00-14:00 (W41)
The Pre-test will take place on Friday, 2 March, 9:00-13:00
More information from:
Irēna Lapsa, Legal Linguistics Study Programme Coordinator
Phone: +371 67039358
e-mail: irena.lapsa(abols)rgsl.edu.lv" title="mailto:irena.lapsa(abols)rgsl.edu.lv mailto:anda(abols)rgsl.edu.lv">irena.lapsa(abols)rgsl.edu.lv">irena.lapsa(abols)rgsl.edu.lv">irena.lapsa(abols)rgsl.edu.lv mailto:anda(abols)rgsl.edu.lv">irena.lapsa(abols)rgsl.edu.lv