Pirmdien, 14. aprīlī, Ārlietu ministrijas Ārējo ekonomisko sakaru veicināšanas nodaļas vadītājs Rūdolfs Brēmanis Rīgas Juridiskajā augstskolā vadīs publisko lekciju par Latvijas ārējo ekonomisko sakaru aktivitāšu prioritātēm. Lekcija notiks W42 telpā plkst. 13.00 - 15.00.
Lekcija notiks bakalaura studiju programmas kursa "Ekonomikas un komerciālā diplomātija" ietvaros, bet to ir aicināti apmeklēt arī citi RJA studenti un absolventi, kā arī citi interesenti.
Rudolfs Bremanis is a career diplomat with ten years of experience. Throughout his career he has held different positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Riga as well as outside Latvia. In 2008 R. Bremanis became the Special Representative of Latvia to Afghanistan and worked in Kabul, Meimaneh and Maraz-e-Sharif. R. Bremanis has worked as a planning adviser at the US State Department in 2009 followed by a posting to the Embassy of Latvia in Washington, DC and becoming the Economic Adviser to the Ambassador of Latvia to the US.
R.Bremanis holds his current position since July 2012 and is responsible for promoting foreign economic relations between Latvia and the rest of the world.
R.Bremanis obtained Bachelor’s degree at the International University Concordia Audentes in Tallinn, holds Master’s degree from the Latvian University and has completed Executive education degree at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Massachusetts.