Riga Graduate School of Law in cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education and Representation of the European Commission in Latvia and Information Office of the European Parliament in Latvia organised a Conference „Towards Inclusive Society without Hatred: Experience, Achievements and Challenges in Latvia” on October 24 at the Riga Graduate School of Law.
The conference was aimed at media representatives, journalists, politicians, judiciary and education experts. The objective of the conference was to analyze experience, achievements and challenges in Latvia on its way towards inclusive and tolerant society in the context of hate speech and to strengthen capacity of the state to protect people from discrimination and hate. The situation in Latvia, inter alia, was analyzed in a context of international standards and experience. The conference speakers addressed such aspects of the issue as the role of mass media in preventing hate crime, ways of improving the work of courts and law enforcement institutions in fighting hate crime and empowering the education system to foster tolerance and prevent discrimination, hate crime and political radicalism.
Photos from Conference on Facebook
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