On 27 September a Final conference of the Academic Network on Judicial Studies (Menu for Justice) was held in Bucharest, Romania, hosted by the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Bucharest. The conference marked the end of a three year long academic project whose purpose was to look upon education programmes in European Union countries with the aim of promoting uniform European judicial culture. Draft recommendations based on the three years’ work were discussed in the conference. RGSL was represented by Prorector Martins Mits with a presentation on the proposals concerning in-service training of judges and prosecutors.
The Academic Network of Judicial Studies “Menu for Justice”isfinanced by the European Union and it created a partnership among nearly 50 institutions, in 30 European countries. The aim of this Academic Network is to develop proposals for curricula in the field of courts, judges and justice administration, focusing on undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate and professional legal education. For further information about the project see https://www.academic-projects.eu/menuforjustice/default.aspx.