

Recent RGSL publications


Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Associate Professor

Open-Price Contracts Under the CISG: The Law in Action

35 European Business Law Review, Issue 2, pp. 263-288,

Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Associate Professor
Inga Kačevska

Privātautonomijas ierobežojumi starptautiskajās privāttiesībās: Šķīrējtiesu likuma kontekstā

In: Tiesību ierobežojumu pieļaujamība un attaisnojamība demokrātiskā tiesiskā valstī. Latvijas Universitātes 81. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tiesību zinātnes rakstu krājums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2023, 214.-220.lpp. 

Laura RatnieceRGSL Rector
Inga JēkabsoneRGSL Researcher

Integrating Sustainability Into Curriculum of Legal Education in Latvia: An Insight Into the Main Issues

Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 25(2), (February 2024), pp. 65-70.

Laura RatnieceRGSL Rector

Jēdziena kontaktstunda interpretācija un tās ietekme uz mācību metožu izvēli

In: Brīvības robežu pārskatīšana, dzīvojot apdraudējumu apstākļos. I. Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes 9. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024, 143-151 lpp.

Laura RatnieceRGSL Rector
Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Associate Professor

Interpretation and application of the CISG by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia: an analysis of the judgment in the Boom Conveyor case

Uniform Law Review, Vol. 29 (August 2024), 

Anastasija KaplaneRGSL Lecturer
Aleksandrs Potaičuks RGSL Assistant Professor


In: Public Digitalisation in a legal perspective: Status, challenges and opportunities for Nordic-Baltic cooperation. Nordic Council of Ministers, 2024.

Adam Czarnota (editor)RGSL Professor

Developing a legal framework for resilient societies in Latvia and the European Union

Riga: Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024. 98 p.


Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Associate Professor

Atsevišķi problēmjautājumi saistībā ar līgumu izpildi

In: Tiesību ierobežojumu pieļaujamība un attaisnojamība demokrātiskā tiesiskā valstī. Latvijas Universitātes 81. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tiesību zinātnes rakstu krājums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2023, 101.-108.lpp. 

Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Associate Professor


In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, 2023. IBSN: 9781839105593.

Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Associate Professor

Jurisdiction Over Non-EU Defendants in Latvia

 In: T. Lutzi et al. (eds.), Jurisdiction Over Non-EU Defendants. Should the Brussels Ia Regulation be Extended?  Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023.

Ineta Ziemele (editor)RGSL Professor

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 21

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 21: 2022 / Ineta Ziemele, Lauri Mälksoo, Dainius Žalimas (editors-in-chief), Hague: Brill; Nijhoff; Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023. 371 p.

Ineta Ziemele (editor)RGSL Professor

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 20

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 20: 2021 / Ineta Ziemele, Lauri Mälksoo, Dainius Žalimas (editors-in-chief), Hague: Brill; Nijhoff; Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023. 459 p.


Ieva MiļūnaRGSL Lecturer

Human Rights and Values

Grām.: Autoru kolektīvs, Rokasgrāmata pret dezinformāciju: atpazīt un pretoties. Rīga: Valsts kanceleja, 2022.

Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor

Nacionālā profesūra globalizācijas apstākļos

In: Jaunā tiesiskā realitāte: izaicinājumi un risinājumi. I. Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes 8. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2022, pp. 46-53.

Laura RatnieceRGSL Assistant Professor

Tiesas procesa izspēles kā vērtīgs mācību uzdevums tiešsaistes studiju vidē

(“Moot Courts as a Valuable Learning Exercise in Online Study Environment: Challenges and Opportunities”). In: Jaunā tiesiskā realitāte: izaicinājumi un risinājumi. I. Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes 8. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2022., pp. 54-63.

Linda Ingeborga KronbergaRGSL Graduate

Genocide, state responsibility, and obligations erga omnes in the case of the Gambia v. Myanmar before the International Court of Justice

RGSL Research Papers, No. 26. Riga: Riga Graduate School of Law, 2022, 37 p.

Kārlis ŪdrisRGSL Graduate

Residential tenancy as a viable substitute to home-ownership in Latvia

RGSL Research Papers, No. 25. Riga: Riga Graduate School of Law, 2022, 47 p.


Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor

Cilvēktiesības pasaulē un Latvijā

Cilvēktiesības pasaulē un Latvijā / Inetas Ziemeles zinātniskā redakcijā. 2.papild.izd. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2021. 542 lpp.

Ineta Ziemele (editor)RGSL Professor

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 19

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 19: 2020 / Ineta Ziemele, Lauri Mälksoo, Dainius Žalimas (editors-in-chief), Hague: Brill; Nijhoff; Riga Graduate School of Law, 2021. 322 p.

Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor

Latvian Tradition in International Law

In: Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 19, 2020. Hague: Brill; Nijhoff, 2021, pp. 1-7.

Ieva MiļūnaRGSL Lecturer

Latvian Tradition in State Responsibility

In: Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 19, 2020. Hague: Brill; Nijhoff, 2021, pp. 8-26.

Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor
Jānis Pleps
Ainārs Lerhis
Jānis Pleps

Legal and Historical Elements of Latvia's Restoration of Independence

In: Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 19, 2020. Hague: Brill; Nijhoff, 2021, pp. 27-72.

Žaneta MikosaVisiting Lecturer

Evolution of Procedural Rights and Legal Standing in Environmental Matters in Latvia

In: Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 19, 2020. Hague: Brill; Nijhoff, 2021, pp. 73-103.

Laura RatnieceRGSL Assistant Professor

Pētījumi tiesību zinātnē un starpdisciplinaritāte: īss ieskats pamatjautājumos (Legal Research and Interdisciplinarity: Overview of Key Issues)

Socrates, Nr. 2(20), 2021, pp. 14-23.

Ieva MiļūnaRGSL Lecturer

ANO Drošības padomes prakse valstu atbildības gaismā (1945–1975)

In: Tiesības un tiesiskā vide mainīgos apstākļos. Latvijas Universitātes 79. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2021, pp. 81-87.

Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Assistant Professor

Tiesas jurisdikcija saskaņā ar konvenciju par kravu starptautisko autopārvadājumu līgumu (CMR)/ Court Jurisdiction Pursuant to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)

In: Tiesības un tiesiskā vide mainīgos apstākļos. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2021, pp. 167-173. 

Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Assistant Professor

Noilguma regulējums Latvijas civiltiesībās/The Legal Regime of Extinctive Prescription In Latvian Civil Law

In: Tiesības un tiesiskā vide mainīgos apstākļos. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2021, 112.-118. lpp. 

Conference papers

"On our way to 2030: delivering for resilient and prosperous societies"

Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor
Grabenwarter C.
Huber P.M.
Knez R.

The Role of the Constitutional Courts in the European Judicial Network

European Public Law, 27 (1), pp. 43-62.

Ineta Ziemele (editor)RGSL Professor

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 18

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 18: 2019 / Ineta Ziemele, Lauri Mälksoo, Dainius Žalimas (editors-in-chief), Hague: Brill; Nijhoff; Riga Graduate School of Law, 2021. 405 p.


Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor

Liberal Values, Covid-19 and the Judiciary

European Convention on Human Rights Law Review 1 (2020) 159-164.

Aleksandrs Fillers, Inga KačevskaRGSL Docent


In: Rome I and Rome II in Practice, E. Guinchard (ed.). Intersentia, 2020, pp. 349-386.


Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor

Moderno tehnoloģiju ietekme uz privātumu

Jurista Vārds, 2020, Nr. 40.

RGSL Research Paper

Anastasija KaplaneRGSL Graduate

Succession of states in respect of state responsibility: towards yet another Vienna Convention?

RGSL Research Papers, No. 23. Riga: Riga Graduate School of Law, 2020, 47 p.


Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Docent

Free Movement of Companies After the Polbud Case

European Business Organization Law Review, vol. 21, 2020, pp. 571–590.


Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Docent

Tiesību aizsardzības līdzekļi CISG (“Remedies in the CISG”)

Jurista Vārds, 2020, Nr. 30.


Laura RatnieceRGSL Assistant Professor

Valodas jautājumi, interpretējot ANO Konvenciju par starptautiskajiem preču pirkuma-pārdevuma līgumiem (Language Issues related to Interpretation of the CISG).

Jurista Vārds, 28.07.2020, Nr. 30 (1140).


Laura RatnieceRGSL Lecturer

Tiesību ekonomiskās analīzes piemērošana ANO Konvencijai par starptautiskajiem preču pirkuma-pārdevuma līgumiem (Application of the Economic Analysis of Law to the CISG)

Jurista Vārds, 21.01.2020., Nr. 3 (1113), pp. 15-19.


Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Docent

CMR in the Practice of Latvian courts

Uniform Law Review, vol. 25, 2020, pp. 168-201.


Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Docent

Galvinieka un ķīlas devēja regresa tiesību regulējums Latvijas civiltiesībās (Rights of Recourse of Sureties and Security Providers in Latvian Civil Law)

In: Starptautisko un Eiropas Savienības tiesību piemērošana nacionālajās tiesās. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2020, pp. 255-261.

Ieva MiļūnaRGSL Lecturer

Is the UN Security Council Bound by International Law?

In: Starptautisko un Eiropas Savienības tiesību piemērošana nacionālajās tiesās. Latvijas Universitātes 78. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2021, 95.-100. lpp. (in Latvian)


Aleksandrs FillersRGSL Docent

Briseles Ibis Regulas piemērošana Latvijas tiesās (Application of the Brussels Ibis Regulation by Latvian Courts)

In: Starptautisko un Eiropas Savienības tiesību piemērošana nacionālajās tiesās. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2020, pp. 63-69.

Ineta Ziemele (ed.)RGSL Professor

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 17

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 17: 2017&2018 / Ineta Ziemele, Lauri Mälksoo, Dainius Žalimas (editors-in-chief), Hague: Brill; Nijhoff; Riga Graduate School of Law, 2020. 494 p.


Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor

Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights as a Source of Human Rights Law

In: Baltic Yearbook of International Law, vol. 17, 2017 & 2018, Hague: Brill; Nijhoff, 2020, pp. 143-168.

RGSL Research Paper

Kate KarklinaRGSL Graduate

Human dignity as a foundational value of peremptory norms in international law

RGSL Research Papers, No. 22. Riga: Riga Graduate School of Law, 2020, 41 p.


Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor

Constitutional Courts as lock-gates in the globalized world

In: The Role of Constitutional Courts in the Globalised World of the 21st Century. Rīga: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia, 2019, pp. 183-193.


Ilze RūseRGSL Professor

Multiple Actors in Framing EU External Policy: The Case of the EU Global Security Strategy

In: How the International Law Works in Times of Crisis / edited by George Ulrich and Ineta Ziemele. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 59-70.

ESIL conference materials

George Ulrich, Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professors

How the International Law Works in Times of Crisis

How the International Law Works in Times of Crisis / edited by George Ulrich and Ineta Ziemele. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. 368 pages.


George Ulrich and Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professors

International Law and Crisis: Dialectical Relationship

In: How the International Law Works in Times of Crisis / edited by George Ulrich and Ineta Ziemele. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 1-9.


Toms KrūmiņšRGSL Doctoral student

Eiropas Savienības Tiesas spriedums Achmea lietā

(2018) Jurista Vārds, No. 11 (1017)

RGSL Research Paper

Elīna StungrevicaRGSL Graduate

An Analysis of the Nutrition and Allergen Labelling Rules in the EU and their Implications on the Common Market

RGSL Research Papers, No. 21. Riga: Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018, 103 p.


Ineta ZiemeleRGSL Professor

European Consensus and International Law

In: The European Convention on Human Rights and General International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 23-40.

RGSL anniversary book

Twenty years of innovation: Eyewitness accounts of Riga Graduate School of Law

Academic article

Laura RatnieceRGSL faculty

Issues related to Interpretation of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) 30 Years after Its Entering into Force

L. Ratniece, “Issues related to Interpretation of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) 30 Years after Its Entering into Force”, in  K. Strada-Rozenberga et al. (eds), Centrālās un Austrumeiropas juridiskās tradīcijas un juridiskās identitātes jautājumi, Latvijas Universitātes 76. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums, Rīga, LU Akadēmiskais Apgāds, 2018, pp. 202-210. 

RGSL Research Paper

Kollmar Christy L.RGSL Doctoral student

A blind casting into the evidential sea: the interplay between fundamental rights and the efficacy of leniency programmes

RGSL Research Papers, No. 20. Riga: Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018, 81 p.

Bukovskis KārlisVisiting Lecturer
Elferte JustīneHead of Department

Latvian foreign and security policy

“From concerns to ambitions: Latvia’s EU policies for 2018”. In: “Latvian foreign and security policy“. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2018, pp. 106-116.


Druviete IneseDocent
Jūlija JerņevaVisiting Lecturer
Aravamudhan Ulaganathan RavindranRGSL Doctoral student

Disclosure of evidence in Central and Eastern European countries in light of the implementation of the Damages Directive

In: Yearbook of antitirust and regulatory studies.Vol. 2017, 10(15). University of Warszaw, 2017, pp. 197-223.

Druviete IneseDocent
Selga ĒriksVisiting Lecturer

Investor-State Arbitration and the Hundreds of Latvian Arbitration Tribunals

In: Pravni letopis, 2017. Ljubljana, 2017, pp.203-216.

Ziemele InetaProfessor

Valsts turpināšanās starptautisko tiesību teorijā un praksē

In: Nepārtrauktības doktrīna Latvijas vēstures kontekstā. Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Baltijas stratēģisko pētījumu centrs, 2017,  pp. 15-57.

Ziemele InetaProfessor

Latvijas Republikas starptautiskās līgumsaistības

In: Nepārtrauktības doktrīna Latvijas vēstures kontekstā. Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Baltijas stratēģisko pētījumu centrs, 2017,  pp. 384-392.

Ziemele InetaProfessor

Tiesiskuma audits: vai Latvija ir tiesiska valsts

(2017) Jurista Vārds, No. 46 (1000).

Miluna IevaLecturer

Law and Memory. Towards Legal Governance of History

‘Adjudication in deportation cases of Latvia and international law‘, in: U. Belavusau, A. Gliszcynska-Grabias (eds), Law and Memory. Towards Legal Governance of History, (Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. 216-227.

Bukovskis KārlisVisiting Lecturer
Elferte JustīneHead of Department

Latvia’s path to the European Union: In–between the backstage and the spotlight

Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2017, pp. 191-211.

Žukova GaļinaAssociate Professor
Feriss Hosē Rikardo

Akcents uz efektivitāti: ICC Paātrinātās procedūras noteikumi

(2017) Jurista Vārds, No. 45 (999).

Krūmiņš TomsRGSL Doctoral student

Hāgas konvencija par tiesas izvēles līgumiem – vai nopietns sāncensis Ņujorkas konvencijai

(2017) Jurista Vārds, No. 45 (999).

Druviete IneseDocent
Jerneva Julija

Implementation of the EU Damages Directive in Central and Eastern European Countries.

Warsaw: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management Press. Latvia. In: A. Piszcz (ed.)

Druviete Inese Docent

Payday loans in Latvia: APR.

Ljubljana: IUS Software, GV založba: Inštitut za primerjalno pravo pri Pravni fakulteti, 2017, pp. 93-102.

Mel Kenny Professor

Study for the Fitness Check of EU consumer and marketing law

European Commission, 2017, part 3, pp 1210-1278.

Ziemele InetaProfessor

Separate opinions at the European Court of Human Rights

Riga Graduate School of Law, 2017, 335 p.

Selga Ēriks K.Visiting Lecturer

A Latvian sock in the laundromat? The fight against money laundering

Baltic Bulletin, 2017, 28 April.

Krumins TomsRGSL Doctoral student

Arbitration in Latvia: A Cautionary Tale?

(2017) 34 Journal of International Arbitration, Issue 2, pp. 303–331Krumins Toms

Grava LauraRGSL Alumni

Personal data protection in the EU – cooperation and competences of EU and national data protection institutions and bodies

RGSL Research Papers, No. 18. Riga: Riga Graduate School of Law, 2017, 44 p.

Ruse IlzeAssociate Professor

Multiple actors in framing the EU’s external policy: the case of the EU global security strategy

(2017) European Society of International Law (ESIL) 2016 Annual Conference (Riga), 13 p.

Gjortler PeterLecturer

The case of Denmark: Voting, the European Union and the Constitution

2017, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 65-90.


Ziemele InetaProfessor

The Impact of the ECHR on the Democratization Process in Central and Eastern Europe: Judicial Perspectives

Cambridge University Press, 2016, 558 p.

Gjortler PeterLecturer

Two Approaches to European Integration – Denmark and Latvia

Book chapter in L’Europe en Pièce, 2016, Le Manuscrit, pp. 255-274.

Kruma KristineAssociate Professor
Plepa Dita

Constitutional Law

Kluwer Law International, 2016.

Zukova GalinaAssociate Professor

Arbitration Institutions: Legal Status, Attributes, Regulatory Supervision

International Arbitration Law Review, 2016, vol. 19, issue 4, pp. 102-112.

Ziemele InetaProfessor

Acceptance of a Claim for State Continuity: A question of International Law and its Consequences

(2016) Journal of the University of Latvia “Law”, 9, pp. 39-47.

Kenny MelProfessor

Brexit: miljons dažādu jautājumu?

(2016) Jurista Vārds, No. 45 (948).

Gjortler Peter Lecturer

Magna Carta and the Charter of the European Union

Book chapter in The Rights and Aspirations of the Magna Carta, Springer, 2016, pp. 155-175.

Mikosa ZanetaRGSL Doctoral student)

Property and Environmental Protection in Latvia

Book chapter in Property and Environmental Protection in Europe, Europa Law Publishing, 2016 pp. 210-223.

Mits MartinsAssociate Professor

Latvia: consolidating democratic changes in Latvia: the various roles of the European Convention on Human Rights

Book chapter in The Impact of the ECHR on the Democratization Process in Central and Eastern Europe: Judicial Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp. 201-233.

Ziemele InetaProfessor

Tiesiskās paļāvības un tiesiskās drošības principi starptautiskajās tiesībās

(2016) Jurista Vārds, No. 4 (907).

Gjortlere LigitaLecturer
Bebre BaibaLecturer

Guide to Latvian Legal System and Legal Research

(2016) GlobaLex.

Kenny Mel Professor

The Fragility of Unfair Terms Law on Bank Charges: towards a complex re-litigation in the UK?

Book chapters in “Credit Consumers and the Law: after the Global Storm“, Routledge, 2016, pp. 223-238; pp. 239-257.

Ruse IlzeAssociate Professor

Civil Society Participation in Advocating Interests of the EU Legislators: The Case of Latvia

(2016) East European Politics & Societies, 30 (1), pp. 214-231.

Ziemele InetaProfessor

Ko darīt ar okupācijas laikā Latvijai nodarītajiem zaudējumiem

(2016) Jurista Vārds, No. 3 (906).

Henkerts Žans Marī

Starptautisko humanitāro paražu tiesību pētījums : ieguldījums tiesiskuma principa izpratnē un ievērošanā bruņota konflikta laikā

Riga : Rīgas Juridiskā augstskola, 2010.
ISBN 978 9984 4902 67
Translated from: International Review of the Red Cross No 857, p. 175-212 by Jean-Marie Henckaerts. Study on customary international humanitarian law: A contribution to the understanding and respect for the rule of law in armed conflict.

European Union and the Rule of Law: Experience of Latvia Eiropas Savienība un tiesiska valsts: Latvijas pieredze

RGSL 10 year’s anniversary conference materials. – Riga, 2009.
The book contains the contributions and deliberations made within the course of the conference „EU Learning. Democracy through Law”, focused on various legal issues, in particular, EU law and member states, rule of law and fundamental rights, economic impact of judicial decisions.
The volume covers also matters of immigration, integration and criminal law, as well as common foreign and security policy. The authors are prominent Latvian and foreign legal experts, many of the authors are faculty members of the RGSL. The book is meant for readers keeping up with the forward development of EU rule of law and Latvia’s role in this process.