About RGSL

About RGSL

International studies in law and beyond

Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) is a specialised law school located in Riga, Latvia. RGSL offers interdisciplinary bachelor and masters programmes in law, allowing engaged and curious students to combine their law studies with courses in business, international relations, finance and diplomacy.

RGSL at a glance

Specialised law school

RGSL offers Masters programmes in international public and private law subjects including European law, human rights, transborder commercial law, EU policy, finance and technology. It also offers two interdisciplinary Bachelor programmes in which law is studied in combination with business management and international relations. 

International study and working environment

RGSL is home to an active and diverse community of students from more than 40 different countries. Study in English with an international faculty of academics and practitioners. RGSL offers Erasmus mobility at our 40+ partner universities accross Europe and internship opportunities as well.

Individual learning environment

RGSL is a medium-sized, specialised educational institution offering a tailored and stimulating learning environment. Students enjoy our small classes, which allow room for debate and individual questions, and ease contact with fellow students and faculty members. Our study approach supports students to develop their potential through critical thinking, problem solving, and adaptability. We value an open and international culture and encourage students to make the most of their studies.

Platform for EU neighbourhood capacity building programmes

RGSL has become a platform for educating professionals in public administration, NGOs, and academia from European Neighbourhood Policy countries, Central Asia, and the Western Balkans. In cooperation with the governments of Latvia, Norway, the US, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, RGSL hosts specialised programmes providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of integration and cooperation with the EU. It also hosts capacity building programmes contributing to transparency, institution building, and good governance in Ukraine and Central Asian countries.

Academic vacancies

Associate Professor in Private International Law

Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) announces call for applications for the following academic vacancy: Associate Professor in Private International Law, for election term of 6 years.

Requirements for applicants: 
- PhD degree in law.
- At least three years of academic work experience as an assistant professor (docent). 
- At least three academic publications in the past three years which have been indexed in Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection or ERIH+ databases. This is a mandatory requirement.
- Experience in international research projects. 
- At least C1 level in English.

Main tasks: 
-  Development of study courses, teaching, and supervision of students’ research papers in bachelor and master programmes.
- Conduct research and publish at least five academic, peer-reviewed publications during the election term.
-  Participation in RGSL governance bodies. 

Monthly salary within the range from EUR 2500 to EUR 3200 for a full-time position.

Applicants should submit following documents:
- Application letter.
- Professional curriculum vitae (in Europass format) in English.
- Copies of documents certifying the relevant education.

Regulations on academic and administrative personnel positions of Riga Graduate School of Law can be found https://www.rgsl.edu.lv/about-rgsl/about-rgsl

Application deadline: 28 February 2025. Application should be sent to: Riga Graduate School of Law, Strēlnieku 4k-2, Rīga, LV 1010, Latvia with a reference to: Academic personnel vacancies. Application can be submitted via e-mail as well: vacancies@rgsl.edu.lv. In case of any questions about the position please contact Dr. Laura Ratniece: laura.ratniece@rgsl.edu.lv. 

Riga Graduate School of Law informs that the personal data included in the application shall be processed in order to conduct the selection of candidates (on the grounds of legitimate interests) and the controller of such personal data processing is Riga Graduate School of Law.

Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law

Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) announces a call for applications for the following academic vacancy: Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law, for an election term of 6 years.

Requirements for applicants:
- Preferably a PhD degree in law (applicants with unfinished PhD studies may apply as well).
- At least two years of academic work experience in English.
- Scientific research experience and publications in the last two years.
- Participation in international conferences and research projects in the last two years.
- At least C1 level in English.

Main tasks: 
-  Development of study courses, teaching, and supervision of students’ research papers in bachelor and master programmes.
- Conduct research and publish at least five academic, peer-reviewed publications during the election term.
-  Participation in RGSL governance bodies. 
Monthly salary within the range from EUR 1860 to EUR 2000 for a full-time position.

Applicants should submit following documents:
- Application letter.
- Professional curriculum vitae (in Europass format) in English.
- Copies of documents certifying the relevant education.

Regulations on academic and administrative personnel positions of Riga Graduate School of Law can be found https://www.rgsl.edu.lv/about-rgsl/about-rgsl

Application deadline: 28 February 2025. Application should be sent to: Riga Graduate School of Law, Strēlnieku 4k-2, Rīga, LV 1010, Latvia with a reference to: Academic personnel vacancies. Application can be submitted via e-mail as well: vacancies@rgsl.edu.lv. In case of any questions about the position please contact Dr. Laura Ratniece: laura.ratniece@rgsl.edu.lv.  

Riga Graduate School of Law informs that the personal data included in the application shall be processed in order to conduct the selection of candidates (on the grounds of legitimate interests) and the controller of such personal data processing is Riga Graduate School of Law.

Associate Professor in European Union Law

Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) announces call for applications for the following academic vacancy:
Associate Professor in European Union Law, for election term of 6 years.

Requirements for applicants:
- PhD degree in law.
- At least three years of academic work experience as an assistant professor (docent). 
- At least three academic publications in the past three years which have been indexed in Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection or ERIH+ databases. This is a mandatory requirement.
- At least C1 level in English.

Main tasks: 
-  Development of study courses, teaching, and supervision of students’ research papers in bachelor and master programmes.
- Conduct research and publish at least five academic, peer-reviewed publications during the election term.
-  Participation in RGSL governance bodies. 

Monthly salary within the range from EUR 2500 to EUR 3000 for a full-time position.

Applicants should submit following documents:
- Application letter.
- Professional curriculum vitae (in Europass format) in English.
- Copies of documents certifying the relevant education.

Regulations on academic and administrative personnel positions of Riga Graduate School of Law can be found https://www.rgsl.edu.lv/about-rgsl/about-rgsl 

Application deadline: 28 February 2025. Application should be sent to: Riga Graduate School of Law, Strēlnieku 4k-2, Rīga, LV 1010, Latvia with a reference to: Academic personnel vacancies. Application can be submitted via e-mail as well: vacancies@rgsl.edu.lv. In case of any questions about the position please contact Dr. Laura Ratniece: laura.ratniece@rgsl.edu.lv. 
Riga Graduate School of Law informs that the personal data included in the application shall be processed in order to conduct the selection of candidates (on the grounds of legitimate interests) and the controller of such personal data processing is Riga Graduate School of Law.

RGSL history

Key dates and events

On 18 March 1998, Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL or School) was established as a limited liability non-profit company by agreement between the Latvian and Swedish Governments and the Soros Foundation Latvia (SFL). Since 2005 the shares held by each government were transferred to the University of Latvia (UL), which in turn became the principal owner with 76% of RGSL shares. SFL retained its 24% ownership of the School. RGSL has full legal, academic and financial autonomy.

Over the years, RGSL has effectively proven its role and capacity for development. Whereas in 1999 the School offered only one masters programme, it currently offers 8 masters programmes leading to masters degrees in Public International Law and Human Rights, International and European Law, European Union Law and Policy, Transborder Commercial Law, Legal Linguistics, and Law and Finance. Starting in 2010, the School added 2 bachelor programmes to the portfolio of its activities. Both programmes are interdisciplinary in nature with a primary focus on law – one is devoted to the study of Law and Diplomacy, the other to Law and Business. In addition, a joint PhD programme started in 2013 in cooperation with the University of Copenhagen.

The school holds regular guest lectures, yearly conferences and workshops, discussions and public debates led by highly qualified international and local experts. The RGSL is also involved in a number of large scale research projects, receiving the only grant among Latvian institutions in 2012 from the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme.

18 March 1998 – Riga Graduate School of Law was established by agreement between the Latvian and Swedish governments and the Soros Foundation of Latvia. At the same time, the Soros Foundation Latvia provided the building at number 13, Alberta iela as a gift to the newly established Riga Graduate School of Law.

August 1999 – the first master’s programme leading to LL.M in International and European Law degree was started.

February 2001 – the first special programme for lawyers from the Latvian state administration was started with support from the Danish Government.

7 March 2001 – the premises of the RGSL were officially inaugurated, with the participation of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and the President of the Republic of Latvia, Ms. Vaira Vike-Freiberga.

7 November 2005 – Riga Graduate School of Law was made an autonomous institution within the University of Latvia according to an agreement between Sweden and Latvia under which all shares held by the two countries (76%) were transferred to the University of Latvia.  The Soros Foundation of Latvia has retained its shares (24%).

January 2006 – RGSL received full accreditation as an institution without time limitations. The general LL.M programme is accredited until 2010.

September 2007 – the second master’s programme leading to MA in Legal Linguistics was started.

January 2008 – the third master’s programme leading to LL.M in Law and Finance was started.

11-12 April 2008 – Anniversary conference on “EU-learning: Democracy through Law”, celebrating 10 years of RGSL and 4 years of Latvian EU accession.

December 2008 – two masters programmes – “Law and Finance” and “Legal Linguistics” received accreditation until 2014.

March 2010 – five masters programmes – “International and European Law” (academic and professional programme), “Public International Law and Human Rights”, “Transborder Commercial Law”, and “European Union Law and Policy” received accreditation until 2016.

May 2010 – two new bachelor programmes – “Law and Business” and “Law and International Relations” were licenced until 2013.

September 2010 – both new bachelor programmes were started.

June 2011 – two bachelor programmes – “Law and Business” and “Law and Diplomacy” receveid accredition until 2013.

April 2013 – a joint doctoral programme with the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen was licensed and a call for applications announced.

June 2013 – RGSL obtained full accreditation for all current study programmes, including also the new PhD programme. The accreditation was granted the maximum duration, which is 6 years.

September 2014 – Advanced Programme in Law and Economics was started.

September 2016 – Intensive Programme in Law and Economics was started.

March 2018 – Celebration of the RGSL 20th anniversary started with local events in March and continued with an international conference "The Changing Legal Profession" in May, concluding with a home-coming event in June.



RGSL brand


Souvenirs are available at the RGSL Library, Strēlnieku iela 4 k-2, Wallenberg Building, 7th floor.

Souvenirs Price (EUR)  
Hoody (new design, warm, grey, black or red, 100% cotton) 25,00
Pen 1,20
Drink coaster "Law is in the air" 2,00
Vacuum insulated stainless steel bottle/thermos (red) 0.5 L 15,00
Travel mug (thermo) 14,00
Backpack Nordic Line (grey) 25,00
Umbrella (big) 17,00
RGSL Notebook (red) 8,00
Mouse pad 5,00